Rapé Yawanawa Pêu
Yawanawa Pêu traditional Yawanawa rapé with tsunu ash. Cleansing rape. Very fine powder made by Pêu, a tribe member who is very devoted to his tradition, in the Sacred Village of the Yawanawa.
Yawanawa the tribe of the wild boar. In 2021 and 2023 I’ve had the opportunity to visit the Sacred Village of the Yawanawa, one of the most remote villages located along the Rio Gregorio (river). During my time there I was fortunate enough to be present while the rapé was prepared. This happens under continuous prayer and singing. You can imagine it is a charged powder. According to the Yawanawa tradition, rapé is made containing just two ingredients: the base of the mixture and tsunu ash. That is what I like of the Yawanawa rapé. It is strong, clear and bright.
This product is an incense and is not meant for human consumption.